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About Us

Panfilia Impresa Sociale S.r.l. is a company made possible through cooperation between the non-profit Piccola Casa della Divina Provvidenza-Cottolengo and the Benefit Company Xenia S.p.A. In particular, its focus is on providing accommodation, assistance, and services to individuals and both public and private organizations.

The name Panfilia suggests an attitude of friendship towards everyone: a warm welcome and a way of working that takes a range of needs into consideration without discrimination or exclusion.

The idea behind Panfilia springs from our clear awareness of the importance of social responsibility within businesses and the economy. This translates into a drive to encourage development and general well-being as a whole and in every form, with a concern for our impact on society and the environment.

Panfilia brings together charisma, meaning divine grace, and expertise: through its work, it uses innovative methods to pursue Cottolengo's mission within the contexts of today; at the same time, it draws on the strength of Xenia's experience in tourism and hospitality and its vision, as applied to social issues and sustainability.


A Social Enterprise

In keeping with the spirit of its foundation, Panfilia works proactively in the social sphere with an awareness that aims for more sustainable and inclusive approaches to its employees, the environment, society as a whole, and the local areas in which it operates.

Panfilia is conscious of the growing poverty in the industrialized world, which results in social and environmental hardship, including difficulties in accessing care, education, technology, and work. These in turn limit and hinder opportunities for personal development. Panfilia therefore embraces a new sensitivity towards social issues and working for the common good, offering itself as a business model and concept that can provide care and assistance, inclusion and rehabilitation through attractive services and sustainable activities.

Having observed the ways that non-profits have cooperated with for-profit businesses, and having taken note of changes arising in regulations and in the domestic and international sphere, Panfilia has envisaged the emergence of a new sector, one that can blend together the social enterprise and the commercial enterprise. Panfilia represents this future economic paradigm, adopting new ways of seeing work, competition, responsibility, and the relationship between businesses and society.

Panfilia develops and promotes services of exceptional quality, professionalism, and effectiveness, imbued with our spiritual values and made sustainable and efficient through our technical and managerial skill.


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